
Now now now, personal attacks not allowed either, you could easily hurt my feelings :laughing:

Is fuckery even a word if so I hope it means cultured, literate, thought provoking etc, etc. If it is I thank you most kindly my friend. Stay safe and have a good day.:+1:Must go charge this little fucker.

I wish you all the best with that pal :laughing:

Duhhhhhh what does that mean pal, you canā€™t be meaning the forum surely :roll_eyes: :laughing:

Well, if itā€™s show time today so be it. Letā€™s see Torrey, who has by a country mile the biggest number of posts in this forum? :thinking: :thinking:

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Finally you decide to join the conversation. Youā€™ve been lurking in the background reading all of our comments for some time now. :wink:

Is fuckery even a word? If so, I hope it means cultured, literate, thought-provoking etc etc. If it is, I thank you most kindly, my friend. Stay safe and have a good day.:+1:Must charge this little fucker.

Took me a moment to read that, fuckery is not a word, but punctuation is! Go get charged, you need it!

Wishing you a lovely day also Sir!

Personal attacks, telling someone the truth. Itā€™s all just semantics really. :sweat_smile:

Is that another word for bulls__t? i understand that better :laughing:

Oh little Johnā€¦.! I have only one problem with uā€¦. U seriously donā€™t have any idea what u write manā€¦:sweat_smile:

U said donā€™t give scripts to participants but u r also one of those who is giving scripts on realmsā€¦

U said donā€™t speculate if you donā€™t know anything about participants but check no. of comments u made so farā€¦ for just one topicā€¦ there was no need to continue this topic itā€™s open and close topicā€¦but u continue it donā€™t know whyā€¦:sweat_smile:

U said participants should not be on forum as they chat with usā€¦ Check how many times u chat with themā€¦ and still chattingā€¦:sweat_smile:

Thatā€™s y u donā€™t have any right to talk about literally anythingā€¦ because u donā€™t know what to say and when to say u just sayā€¦.

If u r taking stand for anything or any topic related to participants, guest or realm be rigidā€¦. on thatā€¦.:muscle:t2::fire: !!

Jesus Christ, who wrote this comment for you? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Read through that once, then again, then i gave up :roll_eyes: :laughing:

If u understood then itā€™s okayā€¦! or still wanna go u canā€¦ā€¦:joy:

I can really feel the love today, such a good feeling :laughing:

I have counted at least four main ones and if i consider the right to talk, then you have endless problems :thinking: :thinking:


Lets Go Reaction GIF by Mason Ramsey

Incorrect, i said they should not be on the forum as they are taking instruction from membersā€¦not same thing with just chatting

Show me where i have asked participants to do something that i want (not jokes obviously)

What exactly i have speculated here? Teresa being a lunatic and causing problems for G&F?

Sorry my friend, i am sure i do have this right, same like any other member here

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Talking with u is like hitting your head on wallā€¦.:sweat_smile:
I donā€™t wanna go there as there any many and I canā€™t put all those in one commentā€¦

Ok manā€¦! U need proof so be itā€¦ whenever I will do facepalm on your post or comment u will know the reason behind itā€¦ā€¦ I think itā€™s better for u to understandā€¦.:love_you_gesture:t2:

Not going to lie, there are moments when some hot action happening that can cause this physical reaction :wink: :wink: :innocent: :innocent:

Anticipation Popcorn GIF

well its only dinner time and i see many arguments time to sit back and watch makes a change it does not involve me :rofl::rofl:

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