What are you on about, since when did giving my opinion suddenly change into “passing judgement”.
Where about did I ask if folks were close friends.?
What are you on about, since when did giving my opinion suddenly change into “passing judgement”.
Where about did I ask if folks were close friends.?
I understand that you wouldn’t understand; I should’ve known better!
You write stuff and don’t seem to think about what you are writing; I can’t with you.
Have a good day sir.
See Seth, I can respect this. But she did hurt people in her rage. Losing a parent is beyond grief 100 percent.
But for us to sit here and pretend this is not typical behaviour of Teresa is fake.
Even though death is a part of life, I wish nobody the experience of losing a parent. But I also know first hand, this isn’t the behaviour that comes from it, straight away anyway, the shock of it all takes precedence and leaves you lost.
Waste of time replying pal, the whole forum has become a waste of space with so many experts on here on any subject under the sun and everyone of them think they are right.
Have almost given up on posting now as no one knows what’s going on without understanding what is being said and if the participants are that vunerable they want getting the hell off cam and sort their b___dy lives out.
They are all work shy tossers anyway looking for an easy way of getting through life without doing fuckall.
It’s just all speculation and made up crap by most of the members just to grab headlines and make other posters think they are important and know it all.
Yes and I never said it wasn’t nor am I 100% excusing her actions. I am only stating that her “typical Teresa behavior” is most likely being made worse due to the circumstances of loosing her dad.
Growth on your part! Cause everything you wrote used to be you, as well. But well done on the growth.
I’ll say it again Seth there could be underlying mental health problems we don’t know about, maybe not excusing all her behaviour only part of it and unless I know i don’t judge but then again I’m a hypocrite what would I know.
Well, that’s exactly what she did and why all the negative comments. Let’s assume that one of your friends has this tragic situation happening in his life and comes to your place and shortly after does that, causing you problems (material, neighbours, land lord, moral), will you give him a pass for his behaviour?
Ok so now you are a mental health expert? The hypocrisy.
I hope you got the point now.
Well, you doing very good at it
I didn’t say there are mental health problems I merely speculated there might be. Try reading exactly what I said instead of putting your own muddled interpretation on it.
If one of their parents just died I would 100% give them a pass without question. If it were under normal circumstances most likely not. However it would also depend on the individual and if they had special needs/mental health issues or not.
Try my best
In english please i may understand what crap you are talking about then
They are all fucking mental else they wouldn’t be on cam in the first place
Well, looks like that’s the main reason they are on cams
and also why we are watching them
I know exactly what you said. But I never acted like a medical expert; I spoke from my experience of losing a parent.
Others in the forum talked about the repeated behaviour, it does not take an expert to see and call out mania when you’ve watched someone as long as users have been on VHTV with Teresa.
So when you posted that s__t and then said she should not be on here at the end, were you being a hypocrite.
The majority of people here probably agree with you about taking the time away, and she did go offline for personal reasons and then did what she did.
But again, you write a lot of fuckery and don’t think about what you are writing, so yea, you’re a hypocrite today.
Taking extracts out of context is not allowed
But it can be fun and change the mood in the topic
Talking about u….