
They been in the project before at Stiff and after guests at Ken&Barbie, she is stunning


@X192023 the girl sitting next to Finley, wasn’t she as well at Kaz H? Looks familiar to me

I think it is new…However, @jabbath1987 and the most experienced…

I think @Eldred88221 is very experienced in Kaz H

@Eldred88221 is the expert here …

I don’t know who it is if I need some apartment updates I just turn to you…

Yeah but he was the expert for the Kaz House. I didn’t follow that place as for me it was mostly boring. I only know the people who did some interesting stuff there…

Who is the pretty girl in Finley’s bed.? He is biding his time.

the boy seems very shy to me…

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He’s usually a gentlemen and doesn’t f___e himself on the girls. He almost always is successful eventually

Filney, in my opinion, you are a big sucker, you should have fucked her

The whole world is upside down… :rofl: :rofl:

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also an interesting Perspective… :crazy_face:

Finley also seems to be an expert with the hot glue gun… :joy:

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it may be upside down but it is still a good view.

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Thanks to the OP. I don’t have a glue gun, but I do have software.


You have a rotating screen!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

LOL!! No, I wish I did have a rotating screen. Those things are pretty cool. It wouldn’t do what I did with that photo, but they’re cool nonetheless. But, I do have a little photo editor that comes bundled free with Windows called Photos.

Teresa, Ben and the other girl arrived