Christ, 5 to 1 is a bit of an unbalanced session i fancy.
I hate to think of the eventual outcome.
Five men for Goldie? Did she meat her best friends Jim, Jack and Johnny again tonight?
I fking wish to meet her
What about her Hispanic friend Jose?
It was a joke. I meant Johnny Walker, Jack Daniels and Jim Beam
As it stands, Goldi has soon reached the bottom …
LOl, hahaha i know, i was joking as well
I know about the J brothers, but I always include Jose cuervo, as well!
(EDIT) Unless Tequila is banned over there.
Come on… show some self respect, don’t be so needy to go so low
Maybe they are there for Finley
I think it wasnt much fun , very problems “guests”
Yay - Goldie now has her own place where we can watch her 24/7
5 to 1 - It has its possibilities
Are you sure? It’s definitely not the place Katia had, but it does look familiar for some reason …
They visited old apartment of Connor & Wynona…