Goldie & Stifler

How much better Goldie looks without all that slap on her face.


So true. She doesn’t need all that.

Is this better :crazy_face:

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Putting up a Christmas tree now? a bit to late is it

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No it isn’t late at all…their Christmas doesn’t start until January 7th. They do things differently there.

He just looks so ‘dad’ doing it. I hope he turns out to be a cool dad.

Okkkkkkkkkkkk :laughing:

they did just move in here a few days ago, let them catch up!

What happned apartment has been off for 2 days now.

early labour?

they shall him JAKE

How about damian 666

I think they misnamed this apartment, It should be Goldie & Bulachka, after all they are the ones who really seem to live here, Stifler just stops in to check on her and get a blowjob. He does not actually to live there.

Offff…Darcie…I can’t explain myself how some guys (like Stifler) can have not one, but multiple attractive girls and fuck them a lot…I remember what Sfiler done with Darcie…Darcie was a super hot woman in VH history.

Probably getting another place ready!
That’s usually why he is gone.

Then why didn’t they leave her at former Jurry place. It was setup and stable. just needed a name change. Simple.

say it once say it a million times. my girl Goldie is absolutely stunning :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I love that little smile she has. I sure hope stif will treat her and the baby nice
they’ll be leaving us soon!


We’ll hopefully get a better looking replacement :pray:. Only joking X192 :rofl:

Cams 1 and 4 have fallen.

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Is that the real problem here they can’t keep the cams in place?