Goldie & Stifler

where did you see goldie get pregnant i didn’t see her belly grow

Alisa was a lot more fun before Alex appeared!!! Much better if she came back without him.

Seems you need some new glasses :joy:

Shhh she’s not pregnant :joy:

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Surely you jest - unless you’re nearly blind :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

The shortest possible time has now passed- any updates? (I’m missing Barbie)

Any news of the return Stifler e Goldie ? Kaya

Bad news. Ken and Barbie will be offline due to relocation to another city for some months (apx until February). Goldie and Stifler also need to relocate as they were going to live together with Ken+Barbie and their launch is also postponed now…

Good news ! :clap:

Well I will miss Goldie… I hope that won’t affect Alisa coming back?

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I have such a difficult time understanding how something like that takes months. I move to another continent and within 2 days I was set up. Do they live in a tent in the meantime? Before you move you ensure you have a place to go to. Anyway that is the way the majority of people do it.

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I always take that with a grain of salt. Being away for so long and moving to another city. Til then we will have so many more participants joining nobody will miss them anymore. I have serious doubts they will be back at all.
Kaya can only give us the information she gets so not her fault. But talking from experience I would be surprised seeing them back.

as Goldie is clearly pregnant i doubt we will see her again. Maybe Stifler, but probably not Goldie. As for Barbie and Ken, i don’t think it is unlikely to see them again.

I will not miss them, maybe the girls’ asses and tits but otherwise what is there to miss. Anyway a couple of month to get set up seems right for those useless people. They will obviously sponge off someone until they get kicked out. The only reason we will see K & B again is they like the income for doing nothing.

this is good news, they remain in the project

Not sure about that. It is not many people will miss them. Let’s wait two more weeks and nobody will be asking about them anymore…

you might be right, but that does not necessarily need to stop them from coming back if they really want to

what i really wonder about is how this all works. The relocation came quite suddenly. Did they have to leave the appartment from one moment to the other? If not, what was the plan and why does it now take so long? It looks like something terribly went wrong. I would actually expect, that a relocation is done in a couple of days if it is really planed well. Of course, things may go wrong, but this here all looks a bit strange to me

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As D&K, G&S and B&K got removed from list I will archive them for now. When they come they most likely will also have a different realm number…

Don’t know how it works in Russia here in Germany I would be done in a week at max… :upside_down_face: