Goldie & Stifler

Yeah but i do appreciate @kaya is only thinking of the well being of VH as she knows only too well if she were to appear on cam there would be such a frenzy the whole site would come crashing down :rofl:

Simply love that song :heart_eyes:

Nancy Sinatra did it best.

I forgot to add a winking emoji, glad you took it in the spirit it was intended, Rob. :slightly_smiling_face:

Title song of K__l Bill :+1::grinning:

No mention on D&K .will they be coming back?

donkey kong GIF

Their relocation is delayed for ± a month for family reasons

Really??? No really??? :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Well, I believe the tenant would not have reason to lie for such a thing, this information came last year. Can you say that there was never the thing getting 45$. I’m saying that the tenant said it to me in a message, now if it was a lie, than my apologies. I could try and find the message if you want :smile:

You have to ask yourself how that tenant is counting it. They are probably paid by month, not by day or week, so maybe 45$ is what was left after the fines were substracted. I don’t know.

Why are you shocked at me asking where you get your info from? Or even if your source is in fact reliable? Looking at some of the tenants if that is your source then I would be doubtful of any info I got from them.

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I find all this moving/relocation s__t hilarious.
In the UK when people sell and buy a house they all stay put until moving day and then both move all in one day.
Why it takes fucking weeks with VH is hilarious.
All they are moving are their asses and a few black bags :rofl:

This information is interesting and eye-opening - to someone in the US, an average salary of $500 a month ($6000 a year) is, like, way below the US government-established poverty line ($12,880 for one person, $17,420 for 2). Of course, inflation has to be considered, but that’s still a big difference. I can understand a little better the economic dynamics going on here with the participants, especially those who are students or apparently don’t have outside jobs. The income they get from VHTV may be their only income, period. :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

I and my siblings just sold our family home so we can move to Florida from a state up north where it’s very cold and snowy in the winter - But we probably won’t be able to move until January or February because we have so much stuff that belonged to our parents to get rid of. The people who bought the house would rather we stay here a few more months anyway because one of their kids, who would be moving into the house they will move out of, just graduated from high school and has a girlfriend who is still in school, and they don’t want an u______e girl moving in with him. So, hey, I can understand strange personal situations going on with moving and relocating. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Good luck with everything!

when will this and kb be back online? @kaya

She mentioned earlier.that both found a place and would be the shortest time possible :slightly_smiling_face:

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excuse me but what is the point to goldi and stiffler c back she is pregnant she should rest instead on being in this project

Why not? It was a pleasure to watch beautiful Jessi or Lilka for some more months :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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