GMT use. Being a novice i know this is a stupid topic. Does GMT mean Greenwich Mean Time here? and what is the number significance? thanks
number represents the timezone
thank you for the reply
Yes GMT is Greenwich Mean (or Meridian) Time. However, UK is using BST (British Summer Time ) currently so GMT is actually redundant until we put the clocks back on October 31st. Simply take ONE hour off all GMT references at the moment.
Or in other words the UK is at GMT+1.
No, it is BST and currently behind GMT (minus one) as I suggested earlier. GMT +00 in October (basically through the Winter and until next March).
By that logic in October will be BST -1 and not GMT +00
We will NOT be in BST in October! Just remember the pneumonic ‘spring forward, fall back’. We put our clocks forward by one hour in Spring and back by one in the Autumn.
We do that also, but we don’t change the name just to make it pretty and be different of all the others that have different gmt’s during the year
We are now at GMT + 1 and will be in end of October at GMT
Currently we are in GMT+1, in October we put the clocks back so we deduct an hour and become GMT+0 (ie GMT)
OK so I got muddled with my pluses and minuses but I got the part about us in the UK changing our cocks , um I mean cLocks right, in October!
…and I apologise for my own confusing comments previously
ok got it appreciate the reply