For some unclear reason i’m really annoyed by one of the apartments and i’m looking forward to the day it closes. This gave me an idea…
Let’s have a voting each month/2 months/whatever period which apartment should be closed.
As i understood before VHTH has a waiting list for ppl who want to participate, so no loss there
It will challenge the participants to be more interesting
We get rid of those dull places no one is watching or even are annoyed by
There should be some rules like, new apartments can’t be for voted their first month after opening and participants of closed apartments are not allowed to visit open apartments.
Well VHTV, i’m looking forward to the implementation of this idea!
Paying members already have a vote. you vote with your views, so if a realm is still there it means enough members are watching it. we definitely don’t need to put participants under more pressure to perform for us.
I know, It might seem strange, but there are definitely some people who watch her. members on CC used to think nobody is watching +7 realms as there was literally no one commenting on their topics, but when this forum was opened we were surprised to find out that they are actually very popular. the forum does not always represent all subscribers, many of them never visit the forum but they watch the apartments. sometimes early in the mornings ( UK time ) I see her place on top 6
well, this brings up a question… how many real lives do we actually see? there is one apartment that is real to me but most apartments are just studio’s for the cams…
My comment was a joke of course but thank you for the detailed explanation.
I mentioned exactly this on a certain VERY active participant’s realm topic and I was ostracized. I’m sure you can guess which one. They have a very frenzied fan base.
yes, they are not all natural because the majority come here to see just sex and complain if there is nothing going on, but reality is not porn, there are quiet and boring moments. a vote like this would eliminate the natural flats in favour of the “porn” studios…