
The boss is watching.


a 5 minute Slam-Bam-Thank you-Mam. Pretty sure she never :sweat_drops:

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Hahah…wrong room! :rofl: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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I think the photo is here because Henry is watching Gevorg’s apartment on the big screen.


Why they don’t give Evelyn this apartment as well?
What’s the point of having Gevorg there?

We really don’t need these two…


oh shit. there’ll be trouble with them again

It is a very sad comfort, but at least you know what you are going to get. :hugs:

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I wonder if these 2 are who Evelyn’s been hanging with when she’s out? Seems likely.

well carolyn doesn’t seem very enthusiastic after her annoyed facial expression

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henry is watching evelyn get fucked right now

and has a snide laugh to spare

now he also sees that the two people who caused trouble in evelyn’s flat last time have arrived.

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Yeah, it’s surreal.

And judging by what he says, he’s clearly not overenthusiastic about it. :sweat_smile:

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i can also imagine henry getting dressed and going there

More drama please :yum:

Where did this gorgeous girl come from? Friend of Evelyn? :face_with_monocle: :heart_eyes:

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Henry is in front of his computer, in the guest room.