Gella, Winston Wolfe


No i am sure we would have heard it CATerwauling .



It’s ok it was just CATapulted in to provide us with a bit of entertainment :laughing:

a sort of CATalyst you mean ?

I didn’t expect this to CATch on as much as it has :thinking: :joy:

Probably some sort of CATharsis we all need now and then :laughing:

If we get too many more we might need to start a new CATegory for them

We’d need a good CATchphrase for the title :grin:

Something like CATch a CATastrophic Cache of CATcalls

Yeah something CATchy like that :+1:

How long before this turns into a CATalogue of silly puns? :thinking: :laughing:

You got me guys… BiBi … i am going for a CATnap.

I think we better stop Jabbs will get CATty for messing up the thread :joy_cat:

Yep as i can CATegorically state that if Jabs got his teeth into this it would be CATaclysmic. :crazy_face:

Back to topic now. Hermione and Gella this time :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The world is cataclysmic enough as it is.


Now this… this is cool!:heart::hot_face:


I like this pair but a wee bit interaction with others either visiting or having them at their place but if not it isn’t a problem,they maybe just like their own company. :+1: