Gella, Winston Wolfe

Glad you like it ,I agree with the camera angles :crazy_face: it might help if WW helped abit more :+1:

Gella is b___dy gorgeous, just my opinion of course :joy:


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Hi Rob have you missed it again WW giving G a seeing to 04,03 this morning👍

It was very beautiful, and very very hot





What you doing up at 4am, i’m in noddy land then :joy:
Will check out your gem find, thanks :+1:

I don’t get up at 4am I checked when I got up at 8 o,clock👍

Must admit have lost a lot of interest recently, only bother with a handful of apartments now or anything interesting which comes up in the forum. Just can’t be fussed to look at them all just too many for what time i am online. All much of a muchness anyway.

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I usually just look at a couple of sites when I get up ,while my wife is still as___p,then I’ve got my hands full looking after her ,as you know she’s got Alzheimer I’m chief cook and bottles washer


In the same boat as me pal, it’s b___dy hard ain’t it, gets me knackered i can tell you.
We have carers in 4 times a say to cater for her toiletries etc. as she is bed ridden.


I’m lucky at the minute I don’t need a carer I just have a cleaner and gardener once a month,and yes it is hard work ,but thats what we signed up for through sickness and health

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Maintenance of a rat cage, supervised by…cats!!! I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it. Must admit I held my breath a couple of times there. But Gella and Winston W probably know what they are doing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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No doubt who’s boss here - “Back off! And don’t try anything funny, or I’ll…” :laughing:

Gorgeous Gella :heart:


She definitely needs a rather kind male friend to put that extra bit of excitement in her life i reckon as i think she gets a bit frustrated sometimes. :heart_eyes:

Daydreaming again pal? Can’t say I blame you :wink: :heart_eyes:

Anyway, Gella’s happiness is the important thing here. I assume we agree about that. And she looks to be pretty good with Winston :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


She is certainly a lovely young women :heart_eyes:
Winston is certainly the masculine side of the partnership i think.

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:hugs: :heart_eyes: :hugs:

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