Gella, Winston Wolfe

Yeah welcome to the current close knit family generation :laughing:

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Things have changed since we were young parents

You do realize I was on about schools?

We were talking about being at home ,sorry didn’t catch on about school

Not really as school doesn’t start for kids until they are 4 or 5yrs.

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Actually at 6 or 7 years. At least in Germany. :wink:

So you guys are late starters, that explains why you go into a tantrum when you got a :man_facepalming: you’re not mentally mature enough to be on here :+1: :wink:

I didn’t expect anything from you other than to be abusive.

You see a___e I see humour :man_shrugging:

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That’s probably where our differences lie. My humor is very different from yours.


I thought I hadn’t seen you in the Funny’s & Jokes topic, don’t worry not everyone gets jokes :wink:

I’ll give that back to you as well. You don’t understand my humor either, or you don’t want to understand it and then twist it in your favor so that you’re not the idiot, it’s me. Of course I could do the same with you, but this level is definitely too low for me.

So I suggest that we better avoid each other so as not to always get angry or make fun of each other.

You just love blowing things out of proportion :man_facepalming:

I started school at seven, and look what I turned into :laughing: Could have been worse, I suppose, Anyways, perhaps let’s get back to topic, which is a good one :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You too… :wink:

You are absolutely right. At the end of the day, we’re all here to look at naked women and men…and some nice extras. :heart:

You speak for yourself, i am only here for the intelligent conversation :rofl:


Yeah we’ve had many of them eh :wink: :joy:

Oh you have noticed then :rofl:

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I love cat yoga. :wink: