G&W to me are the most genuine{as genuine can be on here}couple to watch.They cook,clean,bathe regularly.They don’t indulge in fuckfests and seem to make love only when they feel like it.They are on their phones a lot but that could be because they are one if not only Apt.without tv.Just a boring observation.
I like these two but they ain’t half noisy buggers when they get going
You should follow Gerwen’s lead
Who the fuck is Gerwen?
Gerwen Price a Welsh dart player. He wore ear plugs & ear defenders during his World Championship semi-final because the crowd was noisy and getting to him
I doubt if even wearing them would stop their sound getting through
Did he win?
He was maybe just board
What kind of board would that be pal, oak, mahogany, pine etc etc
yi chuck pointy things at it
IMO a bonnie lass
… oh well, better luck next time