Gella, Winston Wolfe

Well he seems to be happy with it. Wonder if he also gets gloves, hat and scarf when it gets even colder? :rofl::rofl:

That’s for sure! And the sweater looks so stylish in a casual way. Now we’ll just have to wait for the gloves, hat and scarf jabbath suggests :rofl:

Not a sphynx I know, but you get the idea :grin:

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That sure is one pampered kitty.
:+1: :+1:

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What a dreary loggia, like being in a b___dy prison :roll_eyes:

Is it? I wouldn’t know myself :wink:

Just assuming pal from the appearance i can assure you :laughing:

Everything with this couple is sad. Even when they fuck (the few times it happens) he seems sad. :slightly_frowning_face:

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I like them but it appears they have taken a vow of celibacy.

Enough with the fancy words, I can’t spell sellabissy. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Bet you would struggle saying it as well :laughing:

With brick work like that I am surprised the building is still standing :rofl:

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Oh you’re still with us, it’s sooo wonderful of you to grace us with your presence.A thot we’d been gie’n the heave ho in favour o yir moments operatin,ah mean just drop in whenever yi feel like it ken whit am sayin gadgy.:+1:


Fit like Loon am aywis here, am naw that hard tae see. An whae sais am a wa hingin oot wi tha moments operators, av jist been daein a s__t lode i owertime fur tae help tha auld coffers oot. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Is your keyboard or translator broken? :thinking: :rofl: :rofl:

My keyboard is working fine ol chap, but I can not be as confident about the user. :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

You a postie as well then :sweat_smile:

Friendliest participant on VHTV ever? Just look at the foot soles :heart: