

Here’s something a bit weird (mind you, this IS VHTV so maybe it’s not so weird after all :laughing: ) …

I have 2 Gabriels on my participant list - one online and the other offline! :confused: :confounded:


Me too. The offline one has realm17 (This was Kenias number until she left the project yesterday)

Confusing to say the least (hence the facepalm - not directed at you but VHTV)!

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I think they experiment with getting realm17 back online with a different participant and just used Gabriel as name. Or maybe we will really have Gabriel No.2 soon :rofl::rofl:

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Have we had that, where a participant has had the same name as another one and it hasn’t been altered for a while, until VHTV /managers realised the mistake (probably after plenty of sharp eyed viewers would have pointed it out) and corrected it?

I have never seen it myself but you have been around the site longer so maybe you’ve known of such weirdness?!

As far as I remember no…

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Well that’s good to know. Imagine the potential chaos if it had happened. Anyway, sorry to have gone off topic a bit there.

Back to the REAL Gabriel and his realm…

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Yes but it is not a pleasant situation for him. If people only look once and see Gabriel offline and do not look any further he might lose views.

Maybe our @kaya can solve this mystery for us? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yellow Bird Please GIF by Salesforce

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Penguin Searching GIF by Pudgy Penguins


Detective Kaya is on the case…apparently dressed as a penguin :confused: :laughing: … so the situation is in perfectly safe hands!!!



Seems like a name was placed there by mistake and will be changed before the launch. No more than one Gabriel at a time here! =)


Thanks and have a great Friday evening :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Back at you! :magic_wand:

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Ah yes, wings…penguins have wings, not hands!
I am supposed to be a birdwatcher…silly me! :man_facepalming: :laughing:

Anyway, to be serious, thank you for your reply about the naming issue. :hugs:


Could also call them fins because they are swimming with them :grin::sparkling_heart:

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Yes because technically (most) penguins really only ‘fly’ under water.

Anyway, I digress (yet again)…

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I checked it, you are right David

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Was your other Gabriel from Vegas’ place?

Ex Vegas and ex Kenia (realm17)

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