Here’s something a bit weird (mind you, this IS VHTV so maybe it’s not so weird after all ) …
I have 2 Gabriels on my participant list - one online and the other offline!
Me too. The offline one has realm17 (This was Kenias number until she left the project yesterday)
Confusing to say the least (hence the facepalm - not directed at you but VHTV)!
I think they experiment with getting realm17 back online with a different participant and just used Gabriel as name. Or maybe we will really have Gabriel No.2 soon
Have we had that, where a participant has had the same name as another one and it hasn’t been altered for a while, until VHTV /managers realised the mistake (probably after plenty of sharp eyed viewers would have pointed it out) and corrected it?
I have never seen it myself but you have been around the site longer so maybe you’ve known of such weirdness?!
As far as I remember no…
Well that’s good to know. Imagine the potential chaos if it had happened. Anyway, sorry to have gone off topic a bit there.
Back to the REAL Gabriel and his realm…
Yes but it is not a pleasant situation for him. If people only look once and see Gabriel offline and do not look any further he might lose views.
Maybe our @kaya can solve this mystery for us?
Detective Kaya is on the case…apparently dressed as a penguin … so the situation is in perfectly safe hands!!!
Seems like a name was placed there by mistake and will be changed before the launch. No more than one Gabriel at a time here! =)
Thanks and have a great Friday evening
Back at you!
Ah yes, wings…penguins have wings, not hands!
I am supposed to be a birdwatcher…silly me!
Anyway, to be serious, thank you for your reply about the naming issue.
Could also call them fins because they are swimming with them
Yes because technically (most) penguins really only ‘fly’ under water.
Anyway, I digress (yet again)…
I checked it, you are right David
Was your other Gabriel from Vegas’ place?
Ex Vegas and ex Kenia (realm17)