When you said Winter and Summer in the first post, I thought you meant the time of the seasons changing. That’s what confused me. We call the time changes, Daylight Savings Time (DST). Oddly, ours change on the 10th.
I think a LONG time ago, they changed it just so there was one less thing to think about on Easter Sunday. Plus, you weren’t rushing to get ready if someone forgot to change the time.
In Germany, the clocks are always set forward one hour on the last weekend in March on the night from Saturday to Sunday.
And on the last weekend in October they will be set back by one hour.
No, he didn’t actually. We (tonight…actually to be accurate at 2AM) change from GMT (Greenwich Mean (or Meridian) Time) to BST ( British SUMMER Time).
We do however, adopt the Americanised pnumonic of ‘spring forward, fall back’, to remember what happens and when. The time will go forward by one hour.