Funny's & Jokes (Part 1)

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It’s OK if it’s Hereford , Monmouth or Newport as the destination. It would also be OK if both passenger and driver spoke Welsh! Mind you, a Welsh speaking _____ passenger might be a different matter!

I assume that the joke was about the top destination from the left side of the panel. That B4521 road :laughing:

Yes, that would be a tough one to say under those conditions and for some, maybe even under normal ones!

…just to show you which ‘sport’ event will be broadcast on German TV this evening for the 15th time… It’s called ‘World Cup’, but a large part of the world has probably never heard of it…or seen it :grin:

and yes, it is intentionally posted in the fun section. when you see it you’ll know why

(I can’t promise whether it can be played everywhere. Some videos have regional restrictions…)

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Hello, Mr. Photographer! Are you taking pictures?

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A daddy cannibal and his son cannibal were on the beach.

A very beautiful naked woman walked out of the sea towards them. The son said to the f____r, ‘Shall we eat her?’

The f____r replied, ‘No, son. We’ll take her home and eat your m____r.’

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