I don’t get this. But, that’s not too surprising, I guess, since I’m not an electrician.
The single green wire goes into a bag with sand/sawdust/whatever it is, in it, and the weird WiFi symbol on it. The double green wire goes into a smaller box and is also not attached to anything.
The ONLY thing I got from this that could be regarded as amusing, albeit very tenuously, would be the ironic use of the arrow pointing to whatever is in the bag, without needing to.
That’s interesting. You saw it as an arrow, which it definitely looks like. I saw it as a WiFi symbol with a vertical line on top, although those lines are usually curved.
Oh, you’re both running in completely the wrong direction. To understand this, you must obviously have some knowledge of electrical engineering (and it’s symbols):
There is soil/ground in the bag, and since electrical systems must be grounded for safety…
Grounding Symbol is a bit different
as a conclusion maybe we can put it together as ‘wireless grounding’
Thank you for that very good explanation. I understand a bit more than I did before, but I have no electrical engineering experience (that’s a nice alliteration).
So, call me dense, but why is it funny. (I have the feeling you already told me why, but it was over my head.)
For PE, a connection to earth must be established. e.g. at a lightning rod. A bag of earth is also earth, but not “protective earth”, no matter what symbol you stick on the bag and how much earth is in it
Dealing with the right words is an additional problem here. The German word ‘Erde’ is not just a single word in English, but e.g. ground, earth, soil…