Welcome to the house of fun and I hope it is
Who are the official tenants @kaya ?
Grischa, Sava and a new girl?
Another realm to continue improving the “competitiveness” of the project.
No comment.
Let’s see if the heating works
It will be the only thing that works there.
The girl is very cute
Hush!; since now vhtv aims is opening nurseries for troub__d youth in order to get them out of a_____lism, violence, d__gs, and change them into top students
It will be hard work.
You came home for Christmas, I missed you.
Welcome back Waldi, I knew you can’t stay away for long
Jumped in for a while to see what’s on, but nothing spectacular as I see; A few nice new girls appeared though, especially Peace, so will see how it goes
plus, that lass here looks sexy too
Well, it’s always nice to see you around
Malyshka in kitchen. So I guess Bono and Isabel are not far too
Fairly spacious house, so would be enough room for more people I guess; nothing unusual at vhtv
The only problem is B&I are lame ass boring
They were fun at the beginning, then all the stupid games started, and spoiled the atmosphere
I will open a new school for them.