Free Subscriptions for forum activity #1

sassy work it GIF

A post was split to a new topic: Gossip

It is not funny, it is reasonable. Moments operators already have access to archive, they do not need free subscription days, because this will not unlock any features to them.

Which makes saying it stupidly unnecessary. :joy:

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48 posts were split to a new topic: Giveaway topic went full chat

Sorry but better way is to pay if u wins all,this forum is bulls__t…but still think more free rooms

I’ll pass. I have a life and will continue to post if and when I feel like it.

I’m going to calculate the results of this first round tomorrow, so wish me luck.

Got couple of considerations:

  • I believe the gif-only posts should be excluded from calculations.
  • Now we got the category to store absolutely out of the topic content (for now), it seems like the content belonging to this category would be excluded too.

This may or may not be applied to tomorrow’s results, as it requires additional queries to experiment with

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Of course I see this announcement on the last day the competition is running lol :sob:

Well I hope my natural posting rhythm is enough to get me a few days (though I doubt it).

Oh well, there’s always next time :slight_smile:

Dont creep , you will lose your street cred :upside_down_face:

@VHTV_James haven’t seen any results come though yet. I wanted to give you something to think about. People who win are going to want to share their winnings. It always happens. How are you going to deal with that?

Amy3 Please be assured that by any chance i win , you would be the last in my thoughts to share with, this is based on your constant winging on this forum mainly your statement every so ofton when folks dont agree with you views im being bullied im being bullied ! As your a NON subscriber i would go further and put a ticket to vhtv that none payers should NOT be on this forum mainly because they have zero knowledge of everyday realtime life in the rooms.

when will the winners be announced?

Working on it now. Sorry for delay.

There will be no way to transfer these to anybody, and support may deny such requests too. You may, however, request this to be done now, before calculations are done & we send out free rewards. In the history of this contest since CamCaps iterations there was only you requesting the rewards to be transferred. Maybe one more person, but that was it.

That’s just not true, but whatev.

All this just for couple days free…silly

Oh come on, join the dopamine feedback loop. The water is fine. :joy:

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alright cool

Here are the results of the first round. Congratulations!

1st Place


Will get +7 Days or Standard/Premium subscription according to their current subscription status.

2nd Place


Will get +4 Days or Standard/Premium subscription according to their current subscription status.

3rd Place


Will get +2 Days or Standard/Premium subscription according to their current subscription status.

Clarification on Standard/Premium rewards
  • Users with no active subscription will get Standard days
  • Users with Standard subscription will get Standard days
  • Users with Premium subscription will get Premium days.

The giveaway script will run within next 20 minutes. I’ll post additional update upon giveaway completion.


Many thanks. Much appreciated. :slight_smile:

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