Franchise and geo expansion

Most importantly, it’s not fines that spoil the parties. The parties are spoiled by pirates and de-anonymizers. We are fighting this, in the last 2 years we have spent a lot of time and energy on it, and now we are ready to reduce leaks.
Fines are not collected for the sake of money for us (for us, this is not a profit). Fines are levied to ensure that v_______ns do not recur. And I would not like to discuss this topic any more - fines fulfill their function 100%. They will stay.

That’s bulls__t. In addition, it will hit parties much harder than even pirates and deanonymizers. It will not happen.

We are thinking in this direction. This will probably happen soon.

We are doing this. Unfortunately, the market does not offer decent cameras for our purposes. Therefore, we had to develop our own solution, and now we are preparing the first batch of new cameras. Unfortunately, I cannot promise you any specific dates now, but we will try to do everything as quickly as possible - this is in our interests too.


Pirated content published at 18-19 also. As well as image search services. I agree - this is problem. But it was there before.

Lydia and Loki were one of the popular couples who got almost 1000 posts in 2 months with constant orgies. At one of the parties, they had an incident. They wrote in CC:

You are absolutely right, we were already very careful in choosing guests, and now, after such heavy fines for an uncontrolled situation in a closed room, it is better to collect large parties outside the project.

After that, they did few boring-protocol parties (50+ pages before incident and only 15 after) and left the project. If you solved this problem differently, they might continued hot parties. Project lost swingers with a lot of friends and received one-time fine. Where is the profit maximization?

We are thinking in this direction. This will probably happen soon.

Great, it should have been done a long time ago.

We are doing this.

Ok, let’s wait for the improvements.

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Yes I would agree with you and say the cove it may have been the reason in the beginning but I’m pretty sure just like in the United States a lot of people over in Europe have gotten vaccinated by now you would think anyway

OK but who wants to sit up and watch Tim on cam all day long because if they’re not getting paid on cam they’re not actually going to show you anything anyway and as far as parties Benjamin through parties all the time thing that I didn’t like about his parties is it everybody it was there here now they never want to do nothing but just _____ eat and go to s___p

Yes to me I feel that’s a waste of time but I do wonder why it takes so long did win one manager leaves it takes you so long to put new people in the new apartment

Thanks for your tima and all the answers @VHTV_CEO :smiley::+1:

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Yes, this often takes a long time.

There is not a long line of people, who know the manager and are willing to do this. Mostly the line is a couple of people deep at most and the managers have learned that just sticking someone in the apt is not a great investment of time and energy. They have to be selective and find people who can have sex on cam within an hour or two of being in the apartment, otherwise people will raise hell about it and the managers reputation suffers.