
No. That guy was joking around with the girl. They were always laughing with each other.


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You are not serious now, i hope…

I followed them both for hours. When he stopped, she teased him, they spent the whole time like that. The farewell was with a kiss on the mouth.

have these 2 had sex i keep checking not seen anything ,have i missed something

Fox, found one of the worst guests on Vhtv, covers cameras, has sex 99.05 percent in the dark, doesn’t take off his shirt, always covers camera angles a little, even if he does something (which is almost non-existent) with light, This is the level of guests Fox has in the apartment

You always see a drama…

Fox was nice enough to even explain it and that should be the end of it.

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:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

what is even the use of discussing with him?

He knows everything better, so let it be and let him dream :wink:

Серьезно? Когда?

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As far as I could tell, nothing happened other than making out. :laughing:

Fox, xavier

Dream or fantasy? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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No, you forgot the fact that he did grab her or I shouldn’t say grab but massage her breast on top of the shirt and up under the shirt and if you missed it, I think at 00:55 On the living room cameras, you can actually see her change from her little halter top to her shirt, and she has very beautiful breast. I believe when he finally gave up and went on to s___p lol.

From: Xavier&Fox to: Fox,Xavier, how to interpret this change?

Personally, I don’t care and more…

Personally, I don’t care and more…

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the forum is not keeping up with the times …

Change of pairing … :joy: :rofl: