
Can you please explain or at your convenience what type of relationship you and Xavier have because he says that y’all are in a relationship so my question is it open or closed? I do hope you respond you have a good day.

The reason I am asking is because he is saying one thing and you are doing another and with yawls name in the room as y’all are a couple this is very confusing

Vom Kamereazuhänger zum Grußficker

Kurz zuvor noch im Dunkeln, Fox hat wohl eine Gehirnwäsche geschafft , Kompliment, Fox du siehst hinreissend aus

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Und Fox denkt während des fickens auch an uns und schenkt uns ein Lächeln,

Das ist schon eher ein Strahlen

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What an ass…

Meinst du mich?

No, i mean this abusive asshole. She said no 1 million times but he keeps abusing her

Einverstanden und berechtigt, frage natürlich hat das Mädchen ein Safeword und benutzt es nicht

She was more than clear for hours

The fact is that if she didn’t like something, she would have told me and they would have left together a long time ago, but nothing bad came from her towards the young man, she has such a manner of communication, there is nothing bad between them, they have communication based on this


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Und hier der Beweis dass sie nur gespielt haben


No, that’s all she allows him to do


You’ve been here long enough dude, she has a friend to call upon if she feels she is in danger and the other guy would step in if needed if he became truly abusive and aggressive. Stop starting s__t. The fact she is kissing him and he’s been feeling up dem titties, and she’s been relaxed, just don’t touch the kitty cat… yet!


I think he is waiving to @Xavier

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Dude, the girl said no over and over again. There is nothing to talk about here. And she never been relaxed by the way

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You are always policing and getting way involved in folk business. If she truly were uncomfortable, he wouldn’t be there. He left the house and was welcomed back, and she is lying next to this man, kissing him and playing.

If he truly turned her off, do you think he would’ve been allowed back, or even to stay the night, put this tongue in her mouth? Are you trying to say she is mentally ill or d__gged?

Any woman who feels the way you are trying to portray this situation as a___e, who would allow a man to stay, leave and come back, lay next to and kiss, would have to be mad as fack, especially if they are a stranger to them.

Just recently, you were keeping a lot of noise about Isidor and Cinderella, and look, she ended up still giving him back that pussy and living there; sit back, relax and use your brain!


Man, i know your long time history of defending a___ers and r____ts. I don’t want to get into arguments with you. It is pointless as you have not a single clue what an a___e is or you simply love watching women being a___ed. You mentioned Isidor…you have not a single a clue who that guy is and what he does

And you do? Get a life, come out of mommy’s basement, and play outside!

Me, argue with you? Please, that would be like teaching a sheep to use an iPhone.

I would never support an a___er or r____t, but I can see why you would think that, as I don’t support your rhetoric and myopic ways of thinking!

See ya later John.

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