
I wonder what’s going on in the other room?

yes I was wrong. this is another level. It would be a big surprise if it happened

They are disappointing Carlos again!

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She’s not really happy with the situation, it looks like the guest has to s___p on the balcony lol

Well, this might change the situation



What, getting _____?

That would be worse!

There are no surprises in the bedroom either.

It will, indeed. But we all know how it works.

Anyway, she put the bottle back in the fridge

Why doesn’t he just go home?

The guy doesn’t look bad dont understand Maybe she’s shy or she’s more into girls

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The man strives with all his strength to achieve his goal

It could also be that :drop_of_b___d: time of the month for her.

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Sure he dont want to s___p on the Blackony lol

Any decent boy would have been already home by now

It’s s___ping pills??

That’s what he needs :laughing:

Well, let’s see :slightly_smiling_face:

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Maybe after one Fox can take care of the other. It would be good for her list numbers


That will be the only logical outcome