We’ve noticed that the freedom of discussions on the forum has triggered some automated monitoring, and instead of tightening the rules or adding more censorship, we’ve decided to move the forum to a new domain.
We’ll stop linking it from the main site header but don’t worry—you can still access it by the link for now. I will also try posting some advertisement on Telegram to engage our newcomer voyeurs too!
In the nearest future, the forum’s new home will be forum.spyhub.tv.
Thanks for your understanding, and we hope this change helps keep things running smoothly
What will happen to the CamCaps VHTV forum section? It seems to me VHTV already lost control over that a long time ago but it is still associated with the main site by its name…
One thing I lately noticed. It’s quite a minor bug: Try to go to the participants wiki and click on the history of a post. For me the window just “flashes” open for a few moments and closes itself after it.