Forum members insulting

@jabbath1987 @VHTV_James Can you explain to me how people are allowed to say something like about me in your forum and despite it being flagged as offensive it is allowed to stay? Is this ok for everyone or just this person? I’m fine if you let it stand, but you will set a precedent for others,

stop being a [**] and im sure people will act more friendly towards you


As this is not in TOPIC please make a post in the gossip forum heading , then i will be happy to answer problem from your lack of humour . :crazy_face:

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Thats insulting her please await flack coming your way , hard hats must be worn when dealing with some people :upside_down_face:

It is not okay to insult other forum members, as well as participants at this forum.

@_goodfrog if you continue going off-topic everywhere, you will be temporarily suspended first, and if it continues - the suspension will last much longer.
@Gazza’s comment doesn’t seem to be a direct insult to me, but you’d better find another wordings to describe Amy’s behavior, if you’d like.
@anon11413635 if I see another insulting comments toward participants, you will be suspended for undefined period of time. I’m quite fed up with clearing the flags your posts receive from multiple forum members.


People hate me and they flag my posts to get you to ban me. Guess the strategy is working.

@_goodfrog you are a bad boy they will censor you :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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you post stupid s__t all the time and complain then play the victim card


Let’s see if VHTV allows its moments operators to continue to insult the tenants. Oh no, they don’t insult them, it’s just good humor and fun. Power how it’s privilege as always.

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Oh, this should be good
Anticipation Popcorn GIF

Easier to block her, not worth the effort to discuss with her.

I post comments about the site, the tenants, and the managers and then people like you cone after me usually in the form of some insult because your unable to express an actual argument. If I say something about other members it’s because they asked for it.

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I could care less if all of you ignore me. Then I could be free to actually express my thoughts without people like you flagging me just cause you hate me. Please leave me alone and ignore me if you don’t like what I say. Unfortunately that isn’t good enough.


I just want to see if the same level of censorship of criticisms by the moment operators in particular will be allowed. Insults towards the +7 apts, gay slurs, trans slurs, negative comments about the appearance of the tenants and guests, suggestions that the tenants and guest are being directed like prostitutes by their manager or others, fat jokes made towards Fred and others, and the list goes on. Let’s see if those get moderated too. Let the fake ass hearts and overt expressions of love, fawning, and affection for VHTV and the tenants fly cause that’s all you’ll get if you ban people from posting negative comments towards them. From what I can tell, many of the tenants would do well not to read a forum about their life cause they obviously can’t handle it.

VHTV project team I think problems with AMY3 started a lot longer before i joined this forum , to the point she holds some kind of grudge of how your whole company is run, I was not aware nor even care there were managers in place on different flats nor is it important to most members infact it spoils the whole site & the meaning of the idea, but this Lady wish s to put a damper on any opinion that is not hers. With ref to going off topic yes i agree it happens & please note for the last two days i have moved people to other topics to enable the conversation to continue including this evening asking AMY3 to move to the gossip forum , this can be confirmed in your records. As the previous age topic you pointed out it could have involved data protection on personal details , I agreed by return to clear the topic , whilst I did not completly agree as did some other members it got took down at my request, As in any forum I try to ask or reply it does go slightly off topic this is the nature of normal conversations both on forums & in real life , note I will do best to keep topic but not to ignore and being rude to answer a fellow member . With ref to temp or any suspension I feel that a full refund of time left of my membership would be more in keeping . It is noted whilst writting this reply AMY3 is in full flight as seems to be her normal pattern . Very sorry this had to be written I asked amy 3 to bluntly name and shame but alas all went quiet .

Please get this straight I dont hate you or anyone on this site or in real life

The problem is that you’re not better than operators, and insult all the tenants exactly the same way

Clearly you do as do most people here. I don’t need or want any friends. I’ve been there and done that. I post comments about the site and the people involved with it. One would think that’s what a forum is supposed to be about. The problem comes when people don’t like my opinions and they feel the need to poke me usually in some insulting manner. But fine, if it’s hearts and expressions of undying love for the tenants, that the forum operators want then so be it, but they should not be hypocritical and insult the tenants themselves.

I personally don’t care for the silly sideshow humor that some of you pass off as fun, but I can ignore it. The only reason made an issue of it yesterday was to prove a point that the moderation of this forum is lopsided.

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1 person who thinks she is absolutely right in everything she says and the rest of us are idiots. She cannot get it into her head that the majority of us come here to have fun. While I agree some say totally inappropriate things on here I do not remember there being intent malice. The problem is people get angry at Amy3 for being who she is and how she portrays herself as the total victim. I am glad that I have blocked her but I see many are not happy with her. The best thing to do is ignore her and this forum becomes fun again.

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But then who gets moderated and who doesn’t? Basically a moment’s operator badge gives free reign to insult the categories I spoke of.

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