Thare have been some forum changes recently. What do you think of them?
- Yes I like them
- No I do not like them
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Thare have been some forum changes recently. What do you think of them?
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The only thing I’ve discovered so far that I don’t like is the new bar on the left, I don’t see a purpose for it and it takes up to much room when open
I like that the forum don’t have a seizure now when I want to zoom into something on my iPad like it did with the old version
The “My” feature is nice…
Oh, not sure I have found that yet…
at the left side of screen…it reads My posts
You can remove it by pressing the three lines at the top next to the logo
Ah yes…so it does! Thank you for pointing that out.
Yes and re-activate it again, the same way.
I would really like to see the translator back on here
I’m used to clicking the logo to go to the homepage, so I’ll have to train myself to reposition my cursor to avoid clicking the burger menu icon
Thanks I tried that earlier and it didn’t work but now it does
yes trans back soon…
I always use this for that
Symbol. Then I don’t always have to slide the mouse to the left…
I like the new forum considering that I use vhtv on a 65 inch tv even though there is a bar on the left I don’t have any problems…perhaps it’s more annoying for mobile phone users…
The update is (at first glance) not chrome compatible
I struggle to use the forum on ‘Chrome’ anyway. I have only ever been able to (just about) use it on ‘Edge’.
I had the same error in Firefox…
I am using Chrome and no problems yet. The only annoying bit i am still getting notifications from the summer lol