Formula1 discussion

the 2023 Formula 1 season starts today

who are you a fan of? who don’t you like?

which team do you like the most?

who is the underdog?

how do you look? on TV, the internet or do you just watch the results?


Can’t see there being many F1 fans here they all complain about watching repetitive material on here, so why would they watch cars going round a track numerous times :thinking: :yawning_face: seems a bit repetitive to me :rofl: :rofl:

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It’s just what you like :slight_smile:

I like to watch it, from the first season tests last week and from today the free practice sessions, qualifying tomorrow and the race on Sunday

on a separate screen and on TV

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Verstappen, Alonso, Hülkenberg


Red Bull and the underdog team which can annoy the “Big Three” a bit :joy:

Usually streams on Internet.

nearly the same as mine!

except the underdog, that is for me clearly the Haas team, might be because of Gúnther Steiner, who i really like

Yeah he is cool. I agree. People are imported. I can never like Mercedes as long as Toto Wolff is there…
No Michael no… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

yep… Toto is a sore loser

i can understand the disappointment of Lewis Hamilton in that minute, but there were some championships that he won where were some doubtfull moments

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Well I hope the season will be close to the end but the latest test trends show a clear advantage for Red Bull already.

I would love to see the Ferraris more competitive as last year…

Mercedes was right there where i wished them


Let’s see what genius strategies they will show us this year… :joy::joy:

They have to fight against Aston Martin if they are unlucky :joy:

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Alonso versus Hamilton… Nice!!!

Guaranteed exitement!!

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Have you seen drive to survive on Netflix? Toto is on there on the subject of porpoising and instead of changing his teams ride height he was claiming to hunt down the team principals if anything serious happened due to other teams running so low to ground

Yeah big one that comes to mind is the massa one

Yeah I saw that. One of the reasons I don’t like him. Only because his team fucked it up he hits on the others…

Yeah I really felt sorry for Massa at that moment…

Michael Schumacher and Lewis Hamilton are two of my all time favorites
I remember watching Michael back in the day
I still watch it from time to time

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Stopped watching in May of 94

the worst day in F1 history

Imola 94? :scream:

LeClerc, Alonso

Verstappen, Hamilton

Lifetime Ferrari fan

Aston Martin

Mostly TV (Watching right now :hugs: )