Feature request: timeline bookmark

@VHTV_James Would it be possible for a feature where you can bookmark a timeline to carry on where you left off in the morning?
It’s 4 am and have to go to s___p but I would like to catch up with where I left off in the morning for one specific realm.

I know there are ways to do it by noting down the time or taking a screenshot of the time, but I feel it would be nice to simply press a button in your saved ‘Timeline Bookmarks’ and carry on in the morning.

It also would be handy when switching realms as it is like a virtual pause button to go back to where you were with the original realm that you were watching.
Understandably this would reset after 24 hrs and the bookmark would be lost, but I just thought it would be a handy feature to have. :slight_smile:


Nice idea. Like it :+1:

People come up with the best ideas that I never knew I needed until I hear them, really hope this one comes soon.

Good idea :slight_smile:

I also want 30 second intervals, so it’s easier to jump, when looking. One minute or a long time to wait when what you are looking for comes just before the next interval.

Ans some keyboard shortcuts :slight_smile: to jump forward - backward on the timeline

@VHTV_James any possibility? :grinning: