

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

OK, who took crazy Faye and replaced her with this level headed woman :question:


Faye and Mick’s doggy fuck could become a suicide _____ing game. For every “Da” a vodka shot… RIP :wink:


:rofl: :joy: :rofl:
Знаете, что блядь, Да да да блядь я ору Да да да каждый раз блядь. :kissing_heart: @Trisha

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Faye has changed very positively and now seems much more mature than I remembered her.

:+1: :heart_eyes: :heart:

Well now Mick earned his name for sure. :+1::+1::heart:

Faye :heart_eyes: horny sexy girl

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :fire:


For the sake of completeness - Insemination No.2


Entonces es Sabrina la titular del reino,pue ella no esta casi nunca solo va de visita y es Faye quien es la que trabaja y genera vistas y dinero
asi que ponen a Sabrina para firmar el contrato del piso o sea una falsa participante y se deja utilizar el nombre para atraer a sus seguidores y generar vistas
eso es una estafa y vhtv lo consiente? :rage:

Maybe the Realm is in her name because no one else could rent it. The managers usually take care of such matters. Don’t be mad at her.

No me enojo pero m____ta que nos tomen por gilipollas,o tontos :man_facepalming: :ok_man: :man_bowing:

I wonder what she did to numb her chaotic side? She used to be the poster c___d for erratic behavior. Now she acts like June Cleaver. Maybe she saw what happened to Sergio and it woke her up.

Vielleicht Therapie …