Fan club meets general public

I am trying to catch up from the last few hours and the inane drivel is overwhelming… someone’s looking at so and so, someone’s probably this or that, Kostja’s going to be pissed, why is Indira dressed like that? For Pete’s sake, can the adults please come back to this discussion??? Oh, that’s right, they are not here because NOTHING HAS HAPPENED to discuss. Please, stop trashing up the forum! When something really happens we can discuss that. Right now it’s a bunch of prepubescent chit chat at best. Wow, the few of you please consider the feelings of the majority… this is pathetic.

:rofl: :joy:you are not f___ed to be here.

Isn’t your two free hours over yet? You are abrasive to be kind… as are the couple of others with verbal diarrhea spewing over everyone. Just because it’s public and you are a freeloader doesn’t give you the right to dominate and literally fill the site with garbage. Free use is not free license… you and your pals have conversations that only 16 year old boys would have and it’s really sad. I’ve lowered myself to your level to even have this dialogue, I’m done. Please grow some self awareness and maturity and you’ll be welcome here. In the meantime you are merely tolerated. If @VHTV_James weren’t so laissez faire and c’est la vie about wasteful commentary, we might have an enjoyable place to have conversations of meaning. Guess you found that out earlier when you proudly announced that M&H were not in the same time zone as AA&W… what a dolt.

Go away little man…this is a forum for anyone to give their view…so if you have a view on the action on screen then comment on it if you wish , but you don’t of course , you just use this vehicle to try and upset others and f___e your own views upon them…typical keyboard warrior modus. I think Ican speak for myself and others that you may be targeting…if you have nothing to say regarding the participants or their realms then none of us are interested in your vile rantings. See you next Tuesday!

You can’t stop people discussing relevant stuff around the apartment. Instead of criticizing, you can propose the way you would be comfortable with apartments discussions, as it seems it’s you who aren’t satisfied with something here.

In the meantime, you may like Summarizing the topic by pressing a button in below the first post. It will convert the thread to a feed like this: Jirina (Part 1)

Well for that one we need a summary of the summary :stuck_out_tongue: :joy:

Can we have all the above in english which makes sense please so us thick buggers can understand :rofl:

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I summarised for you Rob.

total physical response alo7 english GIF by

Thank you so much, any help appreciated on here :rofl: