And before 1-2 minuts to aldente mix with sous Sriracha)
OK so it’s fusilli seasoned with oil?..
Alright)but my favorite is ravioli)
I agree with you big time…
I tell you one last thing as a suggestion even if these comments will be moved elsewhere also because we are going off topic anyway try fusilli with chopped salmon with cooking cream…
You have good taste in food!
This has been on our menu for almost five months now.
When is the next time you have guests?
Most likely after our weekend, we’ll be away for about two weeks. Then we’ll return refreshed, and hopefully with friends!
May be 3 week. I will visit my family,and after will come back)
I have no problems at all, yet I listen to sad songs and sink myself into negativity for fun. Do you ever do this too?)))
No Evalia. you are now slaying the monsters!
Thanks friend )
If I ever start feeling miserable during winter, I listen to melancholic songs to make myself feel miserable, which is so ridiculous I end up laughing at myself and then feel better for it. I have a whole playlist of the most morose songs I could find. It helps to sing along to them and really wallow in the gloom. Sometimes, I imagine myself in the music video and act out the lyrics as I sing which, again, is absolutely ridiculous and makes me laugh.
Yes.same)))when weather rainy sometimes feel like that)