English Translation

I would be great tio know what they are saying would give it some context.

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There was a translation icon VHTV put next tp the like button but it seems to have been deleted again?
@VHTV_James anyone know why?

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Gone for me too

Check it now please.

yes plz translate

no translate button on my screen???

Seems back to normal.

mine is all english but when spanish is wrote I have to copy paste to google translator

i neither have it, where i can found it? i cannot also find the like button

The like button in where appear the “heart”, mouse over and appear the other options

The translation globe is in the same “bar” but is missing again

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It’s still there for me:

It seems like @Alden166855 was referencing the inability to translate participant’s speech at the main website. This has been addressed multiple times, you can refer to this topic Subtitles. The short answer is No translation for speech will be available in recent future.

As for Posts translation, the topic is here: Posts translation is back

Why is there a limit how many times I can push the translate button

Because it costs money. There’s a limit of 3 translations per user per minute. How frequent would you like it to be?

I never ran into that limit so far…

I don’t have a translation button?

It only appears in non English comments if you are English speaking.

I did in different occasions but still totally understand the reason why there is one

You click too fast :joy: :wink:

Yea it is frustrating when ‘‘you have performed this function too often please wait 42 seconds’’ comes up. Easier to copy and go to Google translate.

Normally the russian messages are shorter, and then people reply in russian also… so in few seconds there are more then the limit of messages to read

Normally i end up jumping to another post (specially because nothing interesting is being said :grin:)