I think this annoying issue deserves an extra topic. I will add my thoughts on here and then maybe @VHTV_James can comment on it or forward to somebody who can comment.
There are so many things I don’t understand why relocations take even longer each time:
Why don’t participants and / or managers plan ahead and find a new apartment BEFORE they go offline for relocation. This way the only thing to do would be setting up the tech stuff and cameras. Should not take more than a few days. Sergio once did it in about 6 hours.
The general laziness of participants and / or managers. This may be a subjective point but you often see participants on relocation couch surfing in other places for weeks and not doing anything associated with the relocation.
Very often not always the new places are not as nice or are very small. Why is it nowadays an almost general rule that after each relocation places get worse? This also includes the activities in these places.
What does VHTV do to encourage managers and / or participants to make a quick relocation and not take ages?
Why do quite a significant number of participants decide to leave the project during a relocation?
At an unplanned relocation (Most likely kicked out by landlord) why does this take so long too? Shouldn’t it be in their own interest to do everything to find a place fast and get it up and running? Instead it’s often these people we see hanging around in other places and doing nothing for the relocation at all.
I think these could be linked, small & not nice are cheap so more profit margin and while management is looking for these small & cheap places participants appear elsewhere to continue earning them money
That’s a valid point but there is still the factor that if participants don’t feel comfortable in the new (worse) place there is the high possibility of less action too which in hindsight will hurt managers earnings.
Im Normalfall gehen Umzüge innerhalb 1-2 Tage durch die Bühne . Wenn man in eine andere Stadt zieht kann es eventuell bisschen länger dauern . Einzig was länger dauern kann wenn man komplett dass Land verlässt …
Alleria (realm70) coming back is another example for that. The apartment doesn’t look nice and the cam angles are worse too. Shouldn’t managers at least keep to the same standards as the previous place was?