Email address change

How do we change our email address for the main site?

Am I being a bit dunce?

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Write to and they will help you :wink:


So we cant do it ourselves (yet?)! Seems legit!

Is it tied to the payment system, or did they overlook this?!

I think it is bound to your account so that is why you can’t change it yourself.

  • Click on your avatar in the upper right.
  • Choose the icon that looks like half a person.
  • Choose Preferences.
  • Scroll down to your email address.
  • Click the wrench.
  • Make the change.

I’m on a phone, so what you see may look a bit different, but you should still be able to get there.

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It was the Change in the E-mail address on the main page. Not in the Forum… :wink:


The forum change was easy…

Having to email support just to change your email for the main site seems counter-intuitive/productive to minimise support requests… Then again, I don’t run things! :face_with_peeking_eye:

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