It looks like you are not reading what I am writing. In most cases, minor offenses of guests, such as sex under the covers, will not be fined. This only happens when the same guest, after being warned and spoken to, does it over and over again. Obviously, such a guest will not be of interest to the audience. It is too closed for the voyeur project. And this fine will definitely be preceded by warnings.
I did actually say in in my post that it is participants that I am referring to.As Jabs says you can’t fine guests.
Then let them not remain in the apartment that is included in the Vhtv project
Yes, that’s true. You should be happy enough to find normal people, that visit under those circumstances.
@VHTV_CEO : Sorry, if i got that wrong and thanks for making this a bit clearer to me.
That’s a bit silly is it not, are you saying there should be no guests in case they cause problems.?
I bet this rarely happens at all as participants won’t invite people again and again who doesn’t give them any views or mean trouble in any way. And when it’s shy people they won’t do anything sexual anyways. So all good. Personally never heard of a fine given due to guests making undercover sex
In all fairness, this happened once or twice.
I didn’t say that, what I said was that there must also be rules for the guests, one thing is to have guests who have fun are in the apartment, etc., another thing is to have guests who run away from the cameras, have sex for several days undercover, go to the blind spots, etc., each behavior should be analyzed in particular, I don’t understand how knowing that they are in an apartment that belongs to that project, have certain attitudes, are different things
Well considering how many hours were streamed since beginning of the project I think that’s basically nothing. But thanks for telling us
For example Junior in realm31
I prefer not to watch, sorry
Or Sergio and Teresa:smirk:
Thanks for that information! I was sure, we are talking about rare events and just wanted to express some of my concerns. So, all is good for me now
Hah yes. But those were participants when they did it.
How can you fine guests anyway as they can always refuse to pay and bugger off…
True it would be a non starter, mad idea in fact
That was what I said before.
yeah you like the neck? Well you should see the tongue!
I hope you’re not trying to to get goodfrog to show his tongue.
si,credo non interessi praticamente a nessuno.