Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Waht harm are the Ukranian people doing yet they are being bombed out of existance, you call that fair do you.?

By the way @marcie59 thought you had done a runner but welcome back even if it is in dire circumstances.

My views on the r__e apartment got me banned. I finally realised how much time I was spending here and it did me good to get out. I will never subscribe to this site again for their handling of that situation (it is all about money to them). I am popping in to have my say on a very tragic situation and how it has affected some poor tenants on here. Yet others see no difference and it is business as usual. I would prefer my money goes to some other good cause helping the Ukraine people being affected by a war started by Russia.

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Again,sorry, but when you bed down with fleas you catch fleas.
As they say nothing is fair in love and war and this war is a complete abomination.
Russia needs to be cut off from the rest of the world completely whoever may get hurt in the process as many other innocent people are paying with their lives and their family’s lives.

Will not happen. If you haven’t heard Putin said he is ready to use his nuclear power if NATO try’s to stop him. They are all ready on stand by. Search for the video

Well go ahead. Nobody prevents you from donating money…

The more anyone is prepared to condone this war by trading with them of anything is just condoning Putins barbaric behaviour.
The way he is going and threatening now, all of us in the end may as well put your head between your legs kiss your ass and say goodbye to civilisation.

I think what you say carries considerable f___e. The only contrary argument from my perspective is that with all independent and free channels of communication being closed down in Russia, VHTV gives all Russians who participate or view VHTV, an opportunity to understand what is really going on in Ukraine. It is one very small window that is still open to them. This to me is more important ( just ) than following the course you recommend.

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But not to anybody who is supporting Russia in ANY way. Threy need to be made complete pariah’s in the world and alone as sucking up to them in ANY way is just disgusting.

I did not tell him that. He can donate his money where he wants to. I assume you already cancelled your sub here?


Yep it runs out in 3 days time and VHTV can get fucked for all i care.

We all are entitled to our opinions. I could give several reasons why what you are suggesting is not correct. The main one is they are being paid by foreign currency, no foreign currency should flow into Russia. The average Russian people are probably more aware of what is going on than some of the tenants so VHTV giving any sort of additional access is BS in my opinion. And yes @jabbath1987 I do donate to just cause far more deserving than VHTV.

Under these circumstances, I would support this view;

Indeed - on balance for me the positive in getting information through to the Russian people is more important ( just ) than the negative of allowing the foreign currency through. Of course in both cases ( info and money ), I appreciate we are talking about a drop in the ocean.

The last point made is concerning. It’s almost as if we are getting ready for a much bigger war.

Putin making Germany a foe is bad news for Russia!

I meant you should donate to an organization you want to. I already did too. Was not talking about donating via VHTV

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It’s really good to see you back and you are a man of principles and I admire that.

I will keep out of this one as I have my own opinion but I will keep it to myself, just wanted to say hi. :slight_smile:

I never called the Ukrainian invasion fair. Please read all of my many posts. Thank you.

But, to deem all Russians as evil is a step too far. The sanctions and limitations in international events do harm the Russian people (innocent and guilty alike), but to simply ban someone from doing something because they are Russian is not fair.

The sanctions and limitations are NOT because they are Russian people. They are to tighten the noose on the economy and to provoke an uprising in Russia, in my opinion.

Stating that we need to block people simply because they are Russian is an extreme – and that is EXACTLY what we are fighting AGAINST.

The Russian control media, will blame the west for the hardship caused by the sanctions, and the vast majority of the Russian people, will rally around Putin