Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Very sad to hear that but it sort of mirrors what these people are saying in the video I posted earlier.

Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine - #1876 by anon31605929

No new news no, and just repeating what his options are.

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10 days into a nightmare. One that has changed there lives forever. Strong peopleā€¦

Thanks for the clarification. Like I said, I try not to watch news too much but this is a big issue so Iā€™m watching (and learning) a little more.

So fucking true :joy::joy::joy:

Looks like the Antonov has been destroyed after all.



Thatā€™s symbolic, as Russia is probably one of the biggest vodka producers; thatā€™s what some sanctions aiming for, and this is important too;

Why are there still Russian apartments on the project. The world is making Russia into the pariah it deserves to be. Ukrainian people have had to leave the project through no fault of their own, yes, they are being bombed and their lives are in danger. Russia has been kicked out of the international banking system, kicked out of all sporting events, severe sanctions imposed on them which believe me will start to hurt the normal Russian folks sooner than later. In other word normal Russians people who wanted nothing to do with this war are being affected and quite rightly so as it is THEIR leader who started this war.

Yet here on this project the Russian apartments are still up and running, WHY? The answer is although VHTV they gave their support for the Ukraine people the site would suffer as a result of loss of income if those apartments left. The average viewer would bitch and moan at the loss of the apartments. The Ukraine people are not asking to make sacrifices, they are simply being f___ed by Russia to flee their homes as their lives are in danger.

It is all very well to donate and send kind sympathetic messages to those that can no longer take part but how about making a real sacrifice and make VHTV kick the Russian apartments from the project. I know many will scream and shout that the tenaants had nothing to do with this war and why should they be punished. Well the rest of Russia is being punished and many who did not want this war will be very badly affected. It is simple Russia started this unjust war, their leader started this war. It is up to the people to stop this war and for that to happen they must be made aware of how the world feels about this war.

The viewers will have less apartments to choose from and that will be a hardship but think about those that are suffering the real hardship. Think of Elon and the girls, Emili and stayls who now have to rely on donations and had to flee, think of Amelie and Lucas, Leo and Bella who live in constant fear of bombardment. So you as a viewer can endure a little hardship of having less apartment. I know VHTV will not kick out the Russian apartments as it would hurt their income. The hypocrasy is astounding.

I am glad to have been banned for my views on the r____t apartment and could not give a toss if I am banned permanently. I will not be part of a site that allows one single cent of foreign currency to reach Russia. I will not be part of a site that punishes a r__e with a _____ing ban. I am stating my view and not getting into a discussion. I am gratefull for those viewers who are making a real effort in helping the Ukraine people.

You did obviously miss that a lot of the participants expressed their anger and disagree with this war. Some of them even getting themselves in danger by going to anti war rallies. So now tell me why VHTV should punish these people by kicking them out of the project? Sure they earn money. But none of that apartment is boosting the Russian economy. They are buying everyday stuff and paying their rent.
One place who did agree with that war (Milana & Robien) got kicked out of the project because of that.

So sorry your post does not make much senseā€¦

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Of course it would not make sense to you. You live on VHTV and would hate to lose more apartments. War is not fair. Those having f___ed to flee the project had no say, those that live in constant fear of being bombed had no say.

Those athletes who have been kicked out of sporting events had no say in the war, they even opposed the war but still have suffered. The apartment from Russia can make little posters protesting the war but still are being paid foreign income. Let them suffer just like those that have had to flee and leave the project. War is not fair. You cannot have it good for some and bad for others. You canā€™t choose who gets punished and who does not. What gives those on this project special protection from the harsh realities of the real world in a war. The obvious reason and you can disguise it all you want is if the Russian apartments are made to leave then it is the viewers that would be punished. Russian must be made to be pariahs to the rest of the world. Not just some, but all. It is Russia that started this war. They have made millions feel extreme hardship as a result if being invaded. Why should the Russian VHTV participant not feel the pain of war.

Try telling all the Russians who are opposed to the war yet are still being punished by the rest of the world that if the join VHTV they will get special dispensation from real punishment like others. Anyway I am out as one thing I have learnt from the forum is nothing ever gets resolved on it. No views are changed. We all have the right to disagree with each other.

Respect for what you are doing. It inspired me to do something. Later in the day i will go for my second trip to pickup two students who lost both parents a few days ago. :cry: Iā€™ll probably end up with a full Van. I bring them two save Germany. At least for now. Nobody is save when this Hitler is around.


According to CNN, they have stopped because Russians were still advancing and ā€œmaybeā€ shooting still.

That is what I hear as well. From different sources. I am sure that in Russia they will tell the exact opposite.

That is a givenā€¦

Theyā€™ve twisted everything else and blocked communication chains with threats of imprisonment or fines.

Itā€™s a very important point; Iā€™m also starting to think that supporting Russiansā€™ apartments in this situation is not quite right; itā€™s obviously personal decision of subscribers because I donā€™t believe vhtv is going to close down own business, but Iā€™d rather give my money for charity now then send to our Russian friends; I simply canā€™t pretend that nothing is happening, and, I also think that daily dose of wanking canā€™t be put above of the dreadful events; but as I said, everyone here has to decide for themselves; many ordinary people in Russia still vote for Putin, and finely they need to understand they vote for monster. Peace;

The difference between the sporting community and VHTV is that this is a private thing for many viewers. You honestly cannot compare.

Do I agree that all Russians should be penalized for their poor leadership? No.

Do I agree that the sanctions and limitations being placed on international events are doing good? No, but at least they are trying to make a statement.

By keeping the Russian participants, who agree with us, VHTV is doing something MORE POWERFULā€¦

They are giving them freedom where their leadership is cracking down on them.

These participants may or may not be commenting in the forum, but at least they know that here they are ā€œsafe.ā€ Letā€™s give them the same respect as others because we do not know IF the regime in charge will someday block their freedom completely.

I for one am looking forward to renewing my subscription in four days. All participants and viewers need to feel accepted in this time of persecution. Russians are not evil. Their leadership just made a bad choice.

India has launched operation Ganga to bring back ALL the Indians stuck in Ukraine. They have so far evacuated 10,000 Indians ( Majority of students) on 43 special flights so far and it will continue till everyone is evacuated. Indian Airf___e and private operators are working in tandem. Special Humanitarian corridors have been created around Kiev and other areas to evacuate through Russia if possible. There are also conflicting reports of students stuck in Ukraine and not being allowed to cross border by Ukrainian army. I just hope that everyone gets out safely irrespective of the nationality. Its a goddamn mess.


I just hope, over time, that the majority of individuals in Russia (poor and rich) realize that they have another Hitler on their hands and is controlling their destiny which wonā€™t be good. They have a leader who is a mass k__ler and doesnā€™t even care about his own people. With all the sanctions and realizations from roughly 90% to 95% of the world countries about the b____lity by Putin will turn their back on Russia and the Russian people will suffer immensely. If NATO canā€™t do anything then either the Russian protesters resort to violence and risk their own lives to overthrow Putin or nuclear bombs will settle things unfortunately.
To me, most Russian people are blind to the truth, stupid to not realize how b____l their government is and arrogant in their stubborn beliefs and must be ecstatic about their daily restrictions and exorbitant prices of necessities to live and enjoy life. Ukrainian people are paying a high price with their lives because of pathetic leaders across the world that allows dictators and ruthless leaders to put the rest of the world at itā€™s mercy. Just venting.

How many Russians do you know? How many did you meet and talk to? I can tell you one thing. They are not stupid or blind. They are just as good as the Ukranians and us. If not better. They have been lied to. For centuries almost. We are the lucky ones. Donā€™t judge a whole people you donā€™t know.