Emmanuel Macron pense que “le pire est à venir” en Ukraine après son échange avec Vladimir Poutine, qui a fait part de “sa très grande détermination” à poursuivre son offensive, dont le but est “de prendre le contrôle” de tout le pays, selon l’Elysée. Lors d’une discussion téléphonique de 1h30 à sa demande, le président russe a affirmé à son homologue français que l’opération de l’armée russe se développait “selon le plan” prévu par Moscou et qu’elle allait “s’aggraver” si les Ukrainiens n’acceptaient pas ses conditions, a indiqué la présidence. “L’anticipation du président (Macron) est que le pire est a venir compte tenu de ce que lui a dit le président Poutine”, selon l’Elysée.
Nato needs to perform a “special operation” which they must emphasize is not a war.
NATO doesn’t have to do anything as long as no member country is attacked. Any other action by NATO will automatically lead to World War III.
Yes I saw that and it fucking shameful and why they would want to do anything like that is beyond me.
That’s the problem when you have a right-wing government like we do here in Poland with PiS that all the little s__t stains on society suddenly get the confidence to spew their hatred - dirty little scum…!!!
And the worst bit about it is that there is nothing in the Polish news about it, at least there wasn’t last night.
PornHub - Access banned for Russians. That will put a hurting on them.
Think you forgot the cancellation of the paraplegic olympics, I may have missed it in your list but nodded off before i got to the end
BBC news two days ago I think, they interviewed an african student at the border who was told that he could not leave Ukraine through the Ukraine-Polish border and that he had to go all the way to the Romanian border if he wanted to leave. They were only allowing white people through into Poland according to that report.
Think they are all fucking mad or extremely delusional.
Here in my country we have a politician who said this morning on tv he saw all these refugees at the Polish border. Mainly women and c___dren. “They will not contribute anything to our economy”
I cannot confirm or deny that but when I was there at the weekend I saw black people coming through with no issue, so I have no idea about that case.
Logically thinking, it is partly true, morally insensitive thinking should stay in your head and not be spoken out loud.
We can only take the news at face value at the end of the day.
You would have thought that after the UN vote yesterday that the UN should take a stronger role in forming at least a protective corridor for humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
I listed IOC…
I should clarify better that it was the Ukraine border control that redirected him, not the Polish side.
Think there are many country’s over there are not as open or transparent as we like to think they are.
Does make you wonder at times just who to believe.
What is the problem with poutin talking about europans as neo nazis , it is a long time we have never heard about that kind of people on earth and it s better this way ; i think this man is paranoiac
Ahhh so you did, my mistake, silly me
With luck they won’t have any economy left soon