Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Time not spent in Italy is time wasted.

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that we are trying to buy gas from algeria 
 so as not to hang more from russia 

what the fuck do you want is clear

anyway from what you see most of the russian apartments don’t want to talk i bet they are afraid of del son of a bitch named putin 

Ukrainian refugee arrivals to date:

:poland: Poland: 1,105,303

:hungary: Hungary: 169,053

:slovakia: Slovakia: 113,967

:moldova: Moldova: 84,067

:romania: Romania: 71,640

:eu: Other EU: 157,000

:uk: UK: 50

UK - we are “leading the world” in terms of the humanitarian response.


Very bad decision. He is not speaking for me. :man_facepalming:

I’d rather burn wood in my chimney than taking Putins gas

holy words I love you

Well maybe we can buy more nuclear power from France and heat with electricity
 I am ready to try it :wink:

in Italy they want to reopen coal plants 

Emmanuel Macron a annoncĂ©, jeudi 10 fĂ©vrier, un vaste plan de relance nuclĂ©aire, notamment avec l’objectif pour 2050 de construire six rĂ©acteurs nuclĂ©aires de type EPR 2.

60% des français pour le nucléaire.

Unfortunately Europe doesn’t have many options for buying Gas from other countries. Iran is under international sanctions for its nuclear program, and Qatar or USA can only supply LNG to EU.

there are also the Italians who maybe odi

C___dren flee under fire as Russians advance on Kyiv

Putin in focus 

Syrians in Idlib stand by Ukraine.

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if you notice in the Russian apartments nobody gives a damn 

obviously because of Putin who blocked everything