Discussion about maths

For all people interested in maths is that topic. (Discussion in Luchik topic showed there are some of them)

Hypotenuse squared = cathetus squared + cathetus squared.

a² + b² = c² :wink:

Wait What? :thinking:

Mathemathics is the very oposite of confusing nonsense! It’s logic put in system.

Fully agree. :+1:

Well I have always found it confusing and that’s all there is to it.

Mathemathics is just a representation of what is, it’s a language or system, we use to describe the concrete world around us. 2 +2 = 4. If 2 + 2 somehow became 3, that would be confusing. :thinking:

Wait what? Say that again? :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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I have dyscalculia. (dyslexia with numbers for those what don’t know) so it confounds me too. but we can’t be good at everything. I’ve known mathematicians who couldn’t put on a quilt cover correctly if they had a manual.

believe it or not, this may actually be the case depending on how you define your “rules”. Every computer calculates 1+1=0 for example :slight_smile:

Eh no. When you are in binary system 1+1 are 10

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What the fuck are you guys talking about damn :thinking:

ok, you got me on that :wink: But that*s not much better :slight_smile:

I’m going slightly mad
I’m going slightly mad
It finally happened, happened
It finally happened, oh-oh
It finally happened, I’m slightly mad
Oh, dear :scream:

Just logic nothing else. :wink:

I was always a slightly mad. :yum:
O and on the 24 of november no jokes please at lest not to me, i will be sad that day.

We most commonly use the Arabian numbers, with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Then it repeats in different combinations. For coding computers they use a binary number system. It has only two symbols, so every number is a string of 1s and 0s.

Avoid Excel if you don’t want to be confused. This reminded me one hilarious spreadsheet I saw a couple of months back :slightly_smiling_face:

Damn still dont get it. :crazy_face: