Is this going to develop into a global warming discussion? NOT!
Well, obvs we can not have all same views and opinions on everything, important is to don`t judge and to be kind. I have very liberal/progressive views and i am not ashamed to say it.
I quite agree in fact if you are so determined you could find a slur in almost anything if you really really want to which to be honest i do find rather pathetic and sad.
The trouble is these days so many people just want to which i find very disturbing as i have said before.
Just to annoy you a little bit, what`s wrong with “People who b___d” term? Women are not people?
Very true after all i sometimes b___d but i don’t have a period
Well i don’t think i do
And now to annoy you a little bit more,
Well, here you are into the next solar galaxy far from reality…
There are many different gender identities, including male, female, transgender, gender neutral, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer, two-spirit, third gender, and all, none or a combination of these.
You won’t annoy me John as in my mind there are, and only ever will be, two genders.
All the rest are just a bastardisation of peoples fetishes to suit their fantasy’s.
And there are some weird buggers about
robwin - how can you give J78 a laughing emoji? Is it because what he said is so ridiculous it’s funny? There are two genders. Your brain might think differently but you are either born with a dick or a pussy. Period.
In a short reply, yes, yes and yes.
Lennie, Lennie… we need to dig into this complex subject. To make it easier for both i will copy/paste the answer
Genitalia does not equal gender. “The sex characteristics a person is born with do not signify a person’s gender identity. When people have ‘gender reveal parties,’ it really should be called a ‘genital reveal party,’” she offers. The concept of gender is a social construct
- Forget about the two-gender binary. “Gender is a term that relates to how we feel about ourselves, the way we choose to express our gender through makeup, dresses, high heels, athletic shorts, sneakers, and more,” she explains. Our society has convinced us that there are just two options for gender identity, “male” and “female,” based on biological sex. But in reality, there’s more fluidity.
- Gender identity is on a continuum. It’s not just the male/female gender binary—there’s a spectrum of gender identity. “[Most people] lie in between [the binary], with personality traits that relate to gender identity, expression, and biological sex. Gender identity can change over time, and it is not fixed,”.
Just because you identify one way at one point in time, does not mean you will always choose that identity, or that your identity won’t shift and evolve.
Sexuality and gender identity are not the same thing. “Gender identity is how you feel about yourself and the ways you express your gender and biological sex,” . Meanwhile, sexuality refers to who you are emotionally, physically, romantically, or sexually attracted to. In summary, “gender is how you feel about yourself, while sexuality is how you feel about others,”
Hope that this will give you many answers
Well John that makes a very interesting read but for now i am gonna take off my lipstick, high heels and pantyhose and go to bed and look forward in the hope that tomorrow, or is it later today, i will wake up in my normal mode, whatever that may be and enjoy the day before i get back on here and meet you daft buggers again.
Goodnight guys i can only say it’s been a riveting experience these last couple of hours
Good night to you as well Rob.
Goodnight and all back to topic now or Jabbs will get angry with all you bad guys
What else to do in the most boring day ever here ?
Very well said @letsdothis I couldn’t have said it better myself. Your reply was measured and to the point without being offensive.
Thank you.
This was such a perfect and succinct explanation that I am gonna reference it when having to explain these topics to narrow minded individuals.
Thank you.
I don’t give a s__t about gender identity. How a person feels is subjective. What their sex is is an objective fact.
If it’s got a dick, it’s a man to me, if it’s got pussy and tits, it’s a woman to me.
But of course, it’s not my business to care about who they’re attracted to and who they fuck.
I support equality here and believe it is right for an adult to be allowed to have a relationship and sex with any other consenting adult, regardless of whether they identify as male, female, it, horse, dog, whale or anything else.
There are rare cases of anomalies that cause a mismatch between the sex organs and the genetics of an individual, but in most cases, when we talk about gender, this is not the case.
@Bluewinner, thanks for moving all these posts to a different topic, but there are many more still in K & K’s topic. This all started 2 days ago. You’ll find more in that timeframe.
The term ‘gays’ could be considered offensive by some of us actually. We are people, first and foremost (who just happen to be gay) so the term ‘gay people’ would be considerably better, thank you very much.