
Looks like my girl has a new realm :heart: Welcome Dilara/Zara

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If so timezone is off I saw multiple girls in the hall hard to tell if it was Tessa


I hope they will change the realm number otherwise there is no more opportunity to donate to Emili & Stalys… :worried:

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So Zara is now Dilara? I will adjust her name…

trying to confirm.but I belive so :slight_smile: pretty nice place.Camera 7 not working. love the tub :slight_smile:

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Are we 100% sure it’s Zara’s place as there is a guy and Daria there as well

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I will wait til I add to Wiki as I hope they will change the realm number. And we still do not know who is Dilara now.


Cams are stuttering, cam7 not working and the shower curtain has to go.

I know Zara has been looking for a place for about 6 weeks

Yes I know, it probably is her place but let’s be 100% sure before changing stuff

Fully agree. I wait til there is a photo posted on Twitter.

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i am 99 percent sure :joy:

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I want to be 100% sure before changing tags and all these things.

Unwatchable with all the buffering there…


Cam1 stopped working too.

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yes. That is her place. The name may change I think I am in heaven. absolutely my favorite .Gorgeous :heart:

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No need to remove the curtain just add a cam in the shower


i will get you a coulple photos jabbs

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I can just use the guest photos from realm22

Support says they are still working here. So name and realm number can still change.

As long as everything is finished I won’t change anything for now.

We will get that tub photo :heart_eyes: