There is a giant cloud of a_____l in space that contains enough a_____l to make 400 trillion trillion pints of ■■■■.
Thanks are in order again for all of your posts
Did you know that in the state of Missouri in America there is a town called URANUS .
well i can hear you thinking whats so speacial about that
well sit back and let me explain , first we shall start with the name of the town Ur-anus .Then we will move on to the town itself ,when entering the town by the 14400 state higway the 1st and 2nd signs you see are
now you are probably sat there with a smile on your face but it gets better , do you want to know what the first building /shop you see is called , well get this its The Uranus Fudge Factory

Uranus Fudge Factory
Uranus Fudge Factory
The Best Fudge and Other Gifts come from Uranus.
Fudge from Uranus
A Taste of Uranus - Chocolate Fudge - Toffee Bar Fudge - …
Gifts From Uranus
Quick Pick Packages - Magnets - Stuffed A____ls - Mugs - Koozies
Uranus T-Shirts Be famous with Uranus!
About Us
Uranus Fudge Factory on Historic Route 66 in Uranus, Missouri is …
Uranus #3 is Coming!
now im i tears here typing this , it could be because im a sick twisted fuk , or not look at yourself if your in the same way as me then i know im not loosing my marbles
Does that mean we get a day off work on that day?
Well then I do not care
…that 460 years ago today, in the town Stratford-Upon-Avon in England, a certain William Shakespeare was baptized. His birth date is still unknown, but is traditionally observed to be three days before the baprtism, an estimate that became popular among biographers, since Shakespeare died on that date in 1616.
… that, according to modern research, it seems that Shakespeare did not write at least some of his works? or at least had co-authors who were never named?
Names like Christopher Marlowe, Edward de Vere and John Fletcher appear again and again in this context. Sentence structure and language analysis should serve as clues. But so far, however, there is a lack of solid evidence…
…that there is a meat that exclusively in Germany is not allowed to be eaten… for “religious” reasons?
namely: horse meat
So theoretically… in practice the ban was never officially lifted, but compliance was no longer monitored. especially since the time after the First World War, when horses increasingly lost their military use in favor of cars/tanks
Quote from an internet-article on this topic:
In fact, there are religiously motivated “dietary laws” in Germany, just as there are for Jews and Muslims. Almost everyone adheres to it intuitively, absorbed with their m____r’s milk, so to speak. Because in the eighth century Pope Gregory III. Saint Boniface decided that the old Germanic people should be brought to Christianity. Therefore they are no longer allowed to eat horse meat. They used to sacrifice steeds to their gods (and then eat them themselves). And because Boniface was only responsible for Germania, this ban does not apply to France, Switzerland or Italy. To this day, young Germans justify their disgust with sayings like “yuck” or “horses are so noble,” even though they have never tasted horse meat. Only Rhinelanders don’t want to go without horse-made Sauerbraten.
Speaking of Sauerbraten: it is popular throughout Germany. but now mainly only as ‘Rhineland style’ with beef instead of horse. The meat is marinated in a cold brew of red ■■■■, vinegar and various spices for a longer period of time, and then seared and braised. Red cabbage and potato dumplings are usually served as side dishes
Thank you JonR sauerbraten sounds delicious.
Sauerbraten is amazing
Im Elsass wird auch Fohlensteak angeboten, sehr lecker.
Und zum Sauerbraten gibt es bei uns zu Haus: Breite Nudeln
Yes, I’m familiar with these theories. The most radical is that that Shakespeare as a person never existed. All the plays, sonnets and poems were written by a group of people using the name William Shakespeare.
By the way, I looked up some more pics of Sauerbraten, and it looks yummy!
Yep, love beef in whatever form
Then again i like most foods in any form