a dog wants to play along/be kept busy …
This is the low level of guests, covered masturbation
(Even with more people in bed, they could have done it differently)
No wonder, it’s his bed too…
Welcome Eleanor
Shy shy shy
if you look at the sequences, they did what you mean, yes, but outside the apartment, in fact, when they returned, she took a shower
When she took the shower, you have a time ?
Hey Eleanor why are you blow drying ur hair in the kitchen
U suppose to do that in the bathroom or bedroom
Say all the words, there was sex outside the apartment
they went out around 9.35 and the shower took around 10 which got his shirt wet
What a shame
twenty minutes for a cigarette? the cigarette is pretty big, if you look then later when she sits down on the floor and she reads the message that I sent she turns all red, if for a cigarette you turn red or take a shower and look at your underwear, ok sorry if I saw wrong
Get out of the apartment, fuck, get in, get out, fuck again
My social networks will love this
Eleanor, rescue this apartment