
:video_camera: Archive Videos

This is Leonardo, he’s been staying there as a guest for a while, but now is the participant.

2022-03-10: Crystalls name added

2022-04-02: Leonardos name removed


A post was merged into an existing topic: MacySsens

I already love him :heart_eyes:


But I saw a girl in this apartment too, his girlfriend?

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So the gorgeous little blonde is his girlfriend?

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So not Leonardo Decaprio :joy: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

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@David , this is the new name. I believe it’s the guest guy and the hot blonde!
I may be wrong but that is what I am thinking is going on!

Ah maybe Vasya (the guy who has been there for - I think - the entire time the realm was under the ‘Macey’ name), has gone then. :frowning:

where is almira then… when we can see her…? :cry:

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@Bluewinner , this gorgeous babe needs a name!


What about Jillian? Or Everly?


Jillian sounds nice. fits her :heart_eyes:
i am sure we can use Everly soon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I will add her to the Wiki…

need any photos ?. I have some nice ones

Got some cool ones from the topic but adding some more won’t hurt :wink:

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Gotcha. I posted some of these earlier
Take your pick. Damn she favors Reese :heart_eyes:


Thanks. I will add two more :wink:

almira…where is she…?

seems nobody here now. Jillian was the last one here
and she left.I assume they’ll all be back later!

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He is so hot :heart_eyes: