it looks like the admin took out a ban hummer from wide trousers and used it as intended without vazilin
любовные дела хоть, да?
So it’s better VH to impose a minimum age to participate in the project, lets say more then 40 to be safe
Or forbid people then _____ more then 1 glass (small) of a_____l per hour to avoid people being _____
да можно и так сказать, ревность любовь и прочие дела
аа ну да, там один яркий во френдзоне, помню помню
do you think a lot of people want to look at women of balzac age or milfs?
Well there are people with 18 who behave more mature than people with 40. It is on manager to find out before…
Это тут отключили или участники?
он пошел выяснять отношения на кулаках куда то на улицу, за честь добби
С ее парнем, с кем трахается?
Stupid guys
нет с каким то высоким гостем
I think that unless Dobby gets her _____ing under control and her temper in check, her time in this house will be short lived, and that would be a real pity, because she is gorgeous! She is at the centre of most of the drama that happens in this house, and I’m not sure the rest of the tenants would want to tolerate it for much longer.
Might help sometimes
Well they collected a fine now. Next time fine will be even bigger…
My God, у нее еще толпа поклонников, вроде не самая красивая девушка на планете… ну то мое мнение конечно
do you think they will reopen this place
She is hot looking yet. But she is overrated. We had hotter girls on the site, less shy and with less drama…
you understand that for Russians this is not an option, they will go outside the aisles of the camera there, get _____ and come in the ass _____, there are just people who rip off the stop screen and they can’t _____ at all, or they say they’re head off
Sure. The effort for the manager was too big to lose it now. I hope he will keep that place even when current cast might leave the project.