Crazy House

this guy is a caward hope he leave this place

this is not about them, in a state of strong a_____lic i__________n
and not that happens

this is the guy who loves her and she only sees a friend in him, but he’s trying, but girls like bad guys

Что там происходит? Опять драма и драки? И главное походу никто не понимает почему)

Two guys (the shortie and the tall ones) went to fight now outside

смотри мой скрин выше, там было мортал комбат :wink:

А из-за чего? За сердце Добби что-ли?

Well when you can’t handle a_____l or don’t know your limits do not _____. As I said just a bunch of kids who can’t handle a_____l and even do not know how to party when they are _____. Instead drama and nothing else. I wish we would have some more grown up people in here.

Can we make bets who will win? :rofl:

я понимаю почему но это личное и на форуме такое не напишешь

You can always watch other interesting places…
The way you talk seems only youngers have problems with violence and a_____l at VH

Well thanks for the fun here guys. I had a lot of fun without even clicking on the place :joy:

Seems Offline now

game over
this place gone to much violence especially from stays

No but the possibility is very high when you only put the younger or like I call them kids in there that things like that happen…
Of course there are also incidents with older too. You are right. Maybe a good mix would be nice…
Younger and a bit more grown up people together…

Stayls isn’t even there :grin:
It’s Kartos

Чего отключили то? Там же самое интересное началось

Oh so we will never know the winner of the fight? :stuck_out_tongue:

yes seems to have taken offline on purpose curious if it comes back or they shut it down

oh sorry kartos lol