Crazy House

Is there even a photo of these two not black and white? They must be vampires :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes it is him

The lovely sauna cam,

dudes wearing costumes. WTF wears clothes in a sauna?

Useless. People and cam… :stuck_out_tongue:

Russian proverb “beats means loves”

again drama, again screams, snot tears, she is offended that he treats her badly, offends her
shouting like that, you can get hoarse and disrupt your voice, and all the neighbors on the street hear these showdowns with mats and screams

Lol so I do not miss much… :rofl:

you just never watched house 2 :rofl:

why she cry ans scream she want to do a threesome withthis couple :rofl:

Dobby only gets agitated when that little guy is around. Kartos must be the one who invites him as he was defending him last time too.

The last people in realm2 were Katie & Stewie. They were interesting at the beginning but got boring fast…

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the little guy is the problem she always cry because of him

Immature kids who do not know how to handle a_____l and how to party are the problem :wink:

definitely, He seems to have some feeling for her and tries to get on her nerve, they just need to not invite him back.

especially when this little shi … is on the place

city of love, create your love

this is a russian immortal show
this is not a realm2

Ah you mean Дом2. Yes heard about it. Just like big brother. The interesting parts do not get shown :stuck_out_tongue:

Everytime that i used sauna i was with clothes… And all the people there was also with clothes.

you ask the Germans how to properly go to the sauna :rofl:

Me never. I do not really like Sauna as I am not a big fan of heat but everytime I was there I was naked as well as the other people there. Men and women…